16 October, 2018

Searching for Swedish records - page 90 - Census records

Once you find the page shown below, you will notice something different from the same page in the Swedish Birth records.

This volume that we were looking for the census, includes other documents.

The first listed - Husforhorslangd - are the parish census records. These records started out as a compilation of the catechisms. Priests would go on rounds in the parish, year after year, usually the following the same route. 

If you find your ancestor in the census in a particular place on a particular page, the odds are that the following volume will have them listed on a page that is close in numbering as the first volume.

The second record set - Inflyttningslangd - is a record by year of everyone who came into the parish. In this case the year spread is from 1831 through 1835.

The third record set - Utflyttningslangd - is a record by year of everyone who left the parish.
The year spread is - again - 1831 - 1835. 

Click on the arrow pointing to the right.

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